Final Project Procrastination

Here at UW-River Falls, finals week is the week before Christmas.  Because of this, in all but one of my classes, I’ve been assigned massive projects to fill up my time.  If I survive to next Friday, I’ll be okay.

I have two group projects and three individual projects to complete by various days next week.  You’d think that because I have less than a week for some of these presentations, I’d be scrambling now to get them done, but no.  Here I am, doing everything to get out of studying.

I tell myself it’s okay because I live a pretty antisocial life, only associating with people in my classes and every couple days eating dinner with actual people instead of my lonely Instagram account.  I don’t have a job either so at 11am tomorrow, my weekend starts so on weekdays, it’s hard for me to focus knowing I have so much time over my weekends.

I spend my “free time” on Pinterest, YouTube, SnapChat, Facebook, and Netflix watching The Office.  Once my eyes start hurting from all the glare, I turn to my lovely books.  And then I decide to something somewhat productive and start writing.

A couple days ago, I didn’t want to study so much that I started googling the fluffiest bunnies in the world.  There’s some pretty fluffy ones out there. Just sayin’.

Despite the fact that I stay on top of my homework, there are times where it’s really hard for me to study.  As the semester draws to a close, I’m finding it even harder because I’m so excited for Christmas.  If I make it to next Friday, I’ll be okay. Everything will be prepared for finals week and it’ll be a breeze.  The question is, will I make it that far?

Last Entry of 2012


It’s been a while, I know.  My plan was to continuously write these weekly updates throughout my break, but I’ve just been so busy being home that I’ve forgotten until this morning.  My last couple finals turned out swell.  I managed to do splendid first semester with a 3.73 gpa.  So YAY ME!  A snowstorm hit Platteville Wednesday night, which resulted in a campus shut down on Thursday.  We got 14 inches of snow in 20 hours.  They had the RA’s out shoveling snow from Thursday through Friday morning.  Nonetheless, I enjoyed my last couple days alone in my dorm room, watching not only the rest of the Vampire Diaries season, but also The Fox and the Hound and The Aristocats.  I sure felt like a little kid again camped out on my futon drinking tomato soup from a can and chocolate bars by the dozen.

Friday morning, my parents and their monstrous truck plowed through and rescued me.  We stopped at the bookstore to buy some last minute Christmas presents and we were on our way home.  Finally.  It was such a relief to dump all my bags on the floor and hug my fat cat.  It was even more glorious being able to officially unpack, which usually takes me months to do, but I managed to put everything away within a week.  My cat also snuggled with me one night, which he rarely does.  It makes me feel like underneath his ornery behavior, he actually missed me.

The first Saturday home, I had breakfast with my boyfriend and a few of my old high school friends.  It was marvelous to see them all again.  On Sunday, I went to a concert in Minneapolis featuring Twenty One Pilots and Grouplove with one of my good friends.  We went to dinner at a Green Mill and he gave me his Christmas present to me.  A Doctor Who poster.  What a guy.  You can imagine how excited I was.  As for the concert: let me tell you, this concert was amazing.  Twenty One Pilots were so amazing and managed to keep my friend and I smiling the entire length of their performance.  I highly recommend you check these guys out.  Grouplove was pretty great too.  They were definitely different and crazy as the lead singer was wearing torn jeans and a nightgown with an Easter bunny on it.  Despite the fact that half the band looked like they had just gotten out of bed, they were very entertaining and energetic.  The fat guy in front of me couldn’t stop bouncing.  He stomped on my foot once, but despite my pain, I laughed at he and his friend because they were so happy and having such a lovely time, just like my friend and I were.  I’ll definitely be returning to the venue, as well as to see these two bands perform again.

Christmas with my family was lovely.  It was good to catch up with all my relatives and see the little younglings growing older.  Makes me feel old as well.  My sister received multiple scarves for Christmas and my oh my, did she get excited.  It was great to see everyone so merry.

Thursday I went shopping with my best friend who goes to school in Louisiana.  I splurged on myself and bought me a Doctor Who shirt.  Simply AMAZING!  It was fun to hang out with this lovely lady.  She bought us some red velvet cupcakes that were to die for.  Check your local Kwik Trip.  They’re red, cupcakey, and delicious.  You can’t miss them!

I’ve been spending lots of time with my boyfriend, which is beyond wonderful as we rarely see each other as it is.  Although most of our time together consists of sleeping, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  For Christmas, he decided to do the whole 12 Days of Christmas thing.  Twelve presents!  It’s way too much, but he insists I’m worth it.  Isn’t he the best?  One of the presents was a Tardis cookie jar.  It even makes the noise.  Now come on!  ISN’T HE THE BEST!?

This coming weekend is going to be a busy one.  I’ll be travelling to Madison on Friday with the friend that took me to the concert.  We’re going to visit our retired art teacher from high school.  Sounds a bit crazy, but this woman is amazing.  She was always there for us and we’re eager to catch up with her.  When I get home Saturday, my boyfriend’s taking me out for the weekend to end his 12 Days of Christmas.  I’m looking forward to it.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.  I’ll be getting ready to go see my man for tonight soon.  No crazy parties for this girl on New Years Eve, which honestly, is a-okay for me.  I’m not the type to make resolutions for the coming year, but I do wish you all a year of happiness.  Have a lovely time.


Finals Week. First Semester



Good Morning Sunshine,

This week has passed by fairly quickly and soon this one will too and I’ll be home safe and sound.  There’s no snow here anymore, it all melted by last Thursday, which makes it seem like it’s April or something.  It doesn’t feel like December, let alone seven days until Christmas.  I absolutely cannot wait to go home.  I’m calling this coming break “the last break” because after this break, I’ll forever be working.  That’s why I’m making my month off the best.

My last week of classes was pretty uneventful besides in my Spanish class.  On our last day, we had a party with doughnuts, chips, and orange juice at eight in the morning, where we all told of our plans for break.  It ended with my profe speaking English for three sentences.  My class dropped our jaws.  For some odd reason, we had forgotten he could actually speak English.  Not gonna lie, I’m pretty upset that I have to end my Spanish language learning.  I mean, I’m still looking into a Spanish minor, but if I were to add another minor, there would be no way I could graduate in four years and that’s something I really want to do.

Friday night, my roommate and I hosted a Christmas party in our room so we could finish the contents of the fridge that they had failed to the previous weekend.  Yes.  By contents, I mean beer.  We played a couple rounds of circle of death and when we ran out of beer, somehow we ended up sitting in the dark listening to Neutral Milk Hotel.  It was actually a pretty good night.  I enjoyed it thoroughly.  The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet.

Finals week has been going well, I had my Spanish final yesterday and it went, well…fine.  I have one final today and two on Wednesday.  I have Thursday to pack and watch Vampire Diaries since I’ve completed the six seasons of Doctor Who.  It’s disappointing, logging onto Netflix and realizing there are no more Doctor Who episodes left.  I find myself sitting at my desk, chanting the drum beat of the theme song every once in a while.  My roommate will turn her head and sing the DOO-WEE-OOOOOOH part.  It’s quite funny actually.

Overall, this first semester has been great. I’ve met some pretty great people that I will definitely miss over break.  The classes have been lovely, as I liked my professors.  I’ve learned a lot.  From textbooks to teachers to the people, there’s so much to learn at college and I’m so glad I have the privilege to attend.  I do look forward to classes in the spring, but right now, I’m looking forward to seeing my family and friends.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. Much love.


15 Weeks Wiser


Hey all,

This week has gone by extremely fast!  I had a fabulous past weekend and I look forward to the end of the semester with each passing day.  Wednesday, I gave my final speech and did fine and dandy.  My professor chuckled to himself at my jokes so at least he thought I was funny(:  Thursday, I had two quizzes of which I’m sure I did excellent on.  Friday I had my Spanish oral exam where I had to go to my profe’s office and chat with him for ten whole minutes.  Apparently, my profe is very impressed with me.  He complimented on how well I could speak the language even though I don’t think I can.  He also told me I should consider getting a Spanish minor, which I am thinking about.  I have to look into the requirements and see if I could fit a Spanish class into my next semester’s schedule, even though I’d be having a different professor.  It’s something to think about.  Friday, I also had a biology quiz and since it was our last quiz, my professor let us work in pairs and let me tell you, THANK GOODNESS the girl who sat next to me attended class the days I missed because she saved us.  We aced it with a 100%.  BOOM! How do you like them apples.

My boyfriend also picked me up Friday and before that, I finally gave him a tour of my campus.  I think he liked it despite how many spit puddles we had to step over.  (: We ended up going to bed early Friday night after watching some Youtube and Doctor Who.  He still thinks it’s weird.  That silly boy.

Since this past weekend my boyfriend had drill, I arranged a little surprise visit for my high school friend who had been going to college in Louisiana.  She had been home for not even a full 24 hours on Saturday afternoon.  I had a friend who’s attending Eau Claire as well who drove us to Clayton where we surprised my BFF.  I’ll never forget the way she shrieked my name, tee hee hee.  We spent an hour or so visiting with her and her mother, telling stories of friends and classes and such.  I’m so happy I had the chance to see her.  I then was dropped off at home for a couple hours where I talked nonstop with my mum and sister.  I also had a bowl of delicious Schwann’s icecream.  How I miss that stuff.  Pretty soon, my hours were up and it was back to Eau Claire.  That night, my boyfriend and I headed over to an apartment where another one of my high school friends was at.  It was lovely to catch up with her and her boyfriend, telling stories and watching their cat go crazy over catnip.  I look forward to more visits like those.

Sunday, it SNOWED!  I was dropped off at my boyfriend’s sister’s while he had his little practice for his choir concert.  I watched her boyfriend play Halo and we laughed at the sticky grenades he would launch on alien faces.  When it was time for the concert, We bundled up and headed into the great snowy land.  The roads were awful and even though we were only going 5 mph, we still managed to slide around, but we made it and the concert was lovely.  I was very impressed.  We decided I wouldn’t be going back to Platteville that night due to the horrible roads so I emailed my professors and spent some time doing homework in the dorm while he performed his second concert.

Monday was spent doing the homework I didn’t finish on Sunday and reading.  My boyfriend decided to wake me up when he had to get up for class and thought it was soooo funny.  When he walked out the door, I was left staring at the ceiling until I finally gave in and got ready for the day.  My day consisted of like I said homework, reading, and Doctor Who.  It was a long boring day until my man took me to his dodgeball game before we left Eau Claire.  I didn’t play, but it sure was amusing to watch.  I sat next to some other girl and we made fun of some of the ridiculous boys.

Today has been uneventful.  I saw my friends at breakfast and they made fun of me for skipping my classes the day before and I complained about the snow.  There’s only like two inches here.  It’s like …THAT’S IT!?  But it’s cold and I hate the cold.   My laundry needs to be switched to the dryer now so I’m off to do that before catching up on the stuff I missed this weekend.  Wish me luck(:  I hope you had a lovely snowy weekend.  I’ll be preparing for finals this week and just think.  One more email and then I’ll be home(:

Lots of love.  Have a wonderful week.
